Welcome to Speaker Prep Day!
This half-day workshop will help you to deliver a great talk at TestingCup 2019. You don’t need to be a speaker to join in – perhaps you’ll plan for something next year!
We’ll choose things to do from the list below – there are more if you’d like to work on your practicing, on getting to great ideas and interesting abstracts. And more. We’ll talk.
Click on any title to reveal details.
We’ll run from 13:30 - 16:30 with breaks. We’ll pick content from these exercises, and do them roughly in this order.
- Making your key content even more memorable
- Visualising your talk structure
- Share your preparation checklist
- Hear My Talk
- Polish your presentation
- Dealing with the Q&A.
- What to follow up after a talk
Making your key content even more memorable
Visualising your talk structure
Share your preparation checklist
Hear My Talk
Polish your presentation
Dealing with Q&A
What to Follow Up after a Talk